Annotated references for Project Houses.
This is a first approach, I will expand the list considerably.
- Addey, John – Harmonics in astrology. Frome, UK, third edition, 2002. Originally published in 1976. In chapter 6, Harmonics in the diurnal circle Addey describes harmonics based on the cycles of houses and makes comparisons to Gauquelin sectors.
- Bayer, George – Turning Four Hundred Years of Astrology to practical use and Other Matters. Published in 1945. I used an online version as published at which does not have a colophon. A general explanation of astrology with the intention to be used for financial speculations. On p. 64 and further the author explains a system of trisecting Placidus houses into house-decanates. This mimics an earlier system by Frank Glahn.
- Bisschoff, Willy – Johannes Vehlow. No place, 1958. Download via An obituary and biography of Vehlow. (German).
- Boer, Ingmar de – Sectortabellen voor het APC-systeem. Stichting Werkgemeenschap van Astrologen, Utrecht, 2001 (colophon), 2002 (introduction). Online at: Table of houses for the APC-system. Includes formulas for the calculation of this system. (Dutch).
- Boër, Walter – Häusersysteme (letter to the editor). In Meridian vol. 1994 no. 5. Plea for a flexible approach of intermittent cusps. Boër mainly focusses on the differences between Placidus and Koch. (German).
- Brennan, Chris – Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. Denver, Colorado, 2017. Chapters 11 and 12 contain a lot of information on Hellenistic houses.
- Callanan, Thomas – The Astrology of Jean Baptiste Morin, . The author also mentions the Morin houses.
- Cumont, Franz and Franz Boll: Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum V. Partem Priorem. Codicum Romanorum. Brussel, 1904. Among others the Isagoge by Porphyrius. Download at (Greek, comments in Latin).
- Dean, Geoffrey and Arthur Mather – Recent Advances in Natal Astrology. Bromley, 1977. In the chapter Houses a clear description of the basic principles and formulas for the most important systems.
- Duval, Max – La domification et les transits. Paris, 1984. (french). Extensive description of known, but also less known, systems. Includes formulas. (French).
- Faresijn, André – Huizensystemen in de astrologie. In Vlaams Astrologisch Tijdschrift nr. 97, vol. 25, June 21, 2000. Short description of some systems in relation to the polar problem. Also gives the result of an investigation into accuracy of 10 housesystems. (Dutch).
- Gorter, Corn. – De techniek der astrologie. Den Haag, z.j. Astrological calculations, a short description of Porphyri, Alcabitius (incorrectly categorized as Albategnius), Campanus, Regiomontanus and Placidus. (Dutch).
- Grössing, Helmut – Regiomontanus als Astrologe. Qualität der Zeit, February 1979. A biography of Regiomontanus. (German).
- Hentges, Ernst – Regiomontanus: Biografische Skizze. Zenit 6, 1934. Online at . Biography of Regiomontanus. (German).
- Holden, James H. – Ancient House Division. In Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers. Tempe Az., vol. 1 no. 1, Aug. 1982. A well written and clear overview of the origination of the first house systems, both methodological and chronological. The author restricts his description to systems with 12 houses, he omits the Oktatopos. You can download this text from
- Holden, Ralph William – The elements of house division. Romford, 1977. An overview of 14 of the most important house systems. Also a description of several problems that can arise when constructing houses.
- Houlding, Deborah – The Houses: Temples of the Sky. Bournemouth, 2006, 2nd edition. Houlding believes that the supposed similarity between houses and signs dilutes the original meanings. She describes several systems but also gives much attention to the underlying principles of houses.
- Kampherbeek, Jan – Is er een huizenprobleem? In Spica vol. 3 nr 1. Enschede, April 1979. An attempt to relativate the problem of the different house systems. (Dutch).
- Kampherbeek, Jan – Eclipticale huizen. In Spica vol. 3 nr 2/3. Enschede, June/September 1979. A description of the most important ecliptical house systems. (Dutch).
- Kampherbeek, Jan – Het huizensysteem van Alcabitius. In Spica vol. 3 nr. 4. Enschede, Januar 1980. A description of and calculation example for the system of Alcabitius. Description and calculations are based on semi-arcs. (Dutch).
- Kampherbeek, Jan – Het huizensysteem van Campanus. In Spica vol. 4 nr. 1. Enschede, April 1980. Description of the Campanus system and of some arguments for and against this system. Includes the formulas and an example calculation. (Dutch).
- Kampherbeek, Jan – Het huizensysteem van Regiomontanus. In Spica, vol. 4 nr. 3. Enschede, October 1980. History and design of the system of Regiomontanus. Includes formulas, an example calculation and some arguments by proponents and adversaries. (Dutch).
- Kemp, Chester A. – The elements of house division by Ralph William Holden. Review in Astrological Journal, vol. 20 nr. 4. London, Autumn 1978.
- Kieffer, F. Xavier – La vérité sur la domification. Nice, 1947. A description of the system by Kieffer which is fully identical with the system by Johannes Vehlow. (French).
- Knappich, Wilhelm – Tradition und Fortschritt der klassischen Astrologie. In Qualität der Zeit nr. 28/39. Vienna, September 1978. Detailed overview of a large number of house systems, both historically and technically. Knappich describes the historical development in a broad sense and makes sure the houses are seen in a correct context. This work contains many formulas. A required standard work. Written in 1966. (German).
- Koch, Walter and Wilhelm Knappich – Horoskop und Himmelshäuser. 1. Teil. Grundlagen und Altertum. Göppingen, 1959. History of house systems; describes many unknown systems. Also contains an overview of the historical development of the meaning of the separate houses. (German).
- Koch, Walter A. – Regiomontanus und das Häusersystem des Geburtsortes. Göppingen/Fils, 1960. A short description of the Regiomontanus system, including tables of houses for this system. As a large appendix, the introduction of the Koch house system. (German).
- Morin, Jean-Baptiste. Transl. James Herschel Holden – Astrologia Gallica. Book 17: The Astrological Houses. Tempe, AZ, 2008. In this book, Morin describes several house systems, like, e.g. Campanus, Regiomontanus and equal houses, but he also introduces the system that would be named after him: the Morin houses.
- Moore, Eugene A. – How to determine the correct house system. In The Astrological Journal, vol. XIX No. 2. Spring 1977. An attempt to prove Placidus. The author uses a benchmark using the semi-arc of the Sun. He checks the position of the Sun after it completed one-third of its diurnal semi-arc – which essentially is using Placidus but also including the daily movement of the Sun itself. After comparing the results he finds that Placidus resembles these results the best. Actually, he claims that Placidus gives the best approximation of Placidus. He also mentions a publication by J. Allen Jones jr. who proved that Placidus can be calculated in arctic regions. However, Jones later said he had made a mistake.
- Munkasey, Michael – The Astrological thesaurus. Book 1. St. Paul, 1993. A book with keywords for the analysis of houses. Contains an appendix with a description of many house systems, including formulae.
- North, John D. – Horoscopes and History. London, 1986. A detailed overview of the history of astrological houses and related calculations.
- Plantiko, Rüdiger – On Dividing the Sky (Preliminary version). No place, 2004. Download at: . Accurate technical explanation, both astronomical and mathematical, of a range of house systems.
- Polich, Vendel – The topocentric system. With tables of houses and oblique ascension for all latitudes 0° – 90°. Translated by Jose M. Lebron. Buenos Aires, 1975. Definition of the Topocentric system, includes formula’s, drawings, tables. The author aims to present proofs for this system.
- Rootsaert, Eline – Filosofie van de huizen: enkele bedenkingen. In Vlaams Astrologisch Tijdschrift vol. 24 no. 93, June 21, 1999. Republished as Filosofie over de huizen in CHTA vol. 4 no. 4, 2000. A perspective of the polar circle problem. In arctic regions, extreme conditions prevail and these can be recognized in the extreme placement of house cusps. (Dutch).
- Scofield, Bruce – Why I use Porphyry Houses. In The Ascendant, Connecticut, Fall/Winter 1992/1993. On-line at (checked 2017-6-19). Scofield describes a test with transits on the cusps of his own chart and states that Porphyri gives the best results.
- Skinner, Stephen – Terrestial astrology: Divination by Geomancy. London, Boston and Henley, 1980. Skinner describes houses in geomancy and mentions a system containing 16 houses as proposed by Ahmed Ben ‘Ali Zunbul.
- Spat, Werner – Das “Ideale” Häusersystem. In Meridian vol. 1994, no. 4. July/aug. 1994. Spat defines several criteria which he believes should be applied to house systems. He compares these criteria with a large number of systems and he arrives at the conclusion that Alcabitius meets these criteria better than other systems. (German).
- Stubbs, Chris – Heaven’s message. Letter to the editor in The Astrological Journal, vol. 29 no. 6. November/December 1987. Stubbs proposes a new system, based on Morinus but with the cusps as center.
- Stubbs, Chris – Het Mars-effect en het sectorsysteem van Morinus. Urania vol. 97 no. 4. October 2003. Online . A research into the effect of the Gauquelin results if Morin houses are being used. (Dutch).
- Stubbs, Chris – Nogmaals het Morinus sectorensysteem. Urania vol. 100 no. 1. April 2006. Online: An addendum on a research into the effect of the Gauquelin results if Morin houses are being used. (Dutch).
- Stubbs, Chris – Heavens’s Message – How to read it nowadays. US, no location, 2012. An introduction into astrology. The author describes his Stubbs houses shortly and uses them in his delineation examples.
- Valens, Vettius – Anthology, Book II (concl.), & Book III. Tr. Robert Schmidt, ed. Robert Hand. Project Hindsight, Greek Track, Volume VIII. Berkeley Springs, WV, 1994. Describes in book 3, chapter 2 a division of the quadrants that matches the Porphyri house system.
- Vehlow, Johannes – Lehrkursus der Wissenschaftlichen Geburtsastrologie. Band I: Die Weltanschauung der Astrologie und die wahren Grundlagen der Horoskop. Berlin, 1986. Oorspronkelijke uitgave 1933. Download via . In chapter III Vehlow describes his system of houses. (German).
- Vehlow, Johannes – Zum Astrologischen Häuserproblem. Vehlow Kalender 1952. Download via: An article about the houses problem in general. (German).
- Vehlow, Johannes – Das Horoskop der Marie A. Peary. In Vehlow Kalender 1935. Download via: A description of the technical problems when calculating houses at high latitudes. (German).
- Weisschnur, Angelika – Neue Häuser-Systeme, eins blöder als das andere! In Astrologische Aufkunftsbogen vol. 22, nr. 254. Hannover, August 1972. Short description of, and sharp criticism on, the further unknown system of Kremser. (German).
- Wiesel, Erich – Das Astrologische Häuser-Problem. München-Planegg, 1930. Description of the most important systems of houses and of some experimental systems of german origin. (German).
- Wharton, George – The Cabal of the twelve Houses Astrological from Morinus. Partly translation of Astrologia Gallica, book 17 (on houses). Published by John Gadbury in 1659.
- White, Harold J. – Placidus system, once again. Letter to the editor in The Astrological Journal, vol. XIX no. 3, summer 1977. Reply on the article by Eugene A. Moore in the preceding number. White shows that Moores arguments are invalid. He also quotes J. Allen Jones, who, according to Moore, solved the polar problem for Placidus, but later admitted he was incorrect.
- Wyss, Phoebe – An archetypal view of the houses. In The Astrological Journal vol. 49 no. 6. November/December 2007. A philosophical description of the houses. Wyss believes there is an analogy between houses and signs because they are based on the same archetypes.